Cyber Insurance and Data Protection

Cyber Insurance and Data Protection

Product Description

Protects businesses from loss of data and other IT-related threats.

Key features

  • Third Party Cover
    Loss or breach of customer or employee information can result in large claims. Our third party cover protects you from claims for compensation, defence costs, fines and penalties from breach of the data protection law.
  • Remediation Costs
    We reimburse you for the costs incurred due to the breach, such as forensic fees, credit monitoring costs, public relations expenses and cyber extortion costs.
  • Business Interruption
    Our cyber protection goes beyond to provide coverage for loss of income during a business stoppage. 

Coverage Highlights

Cyber Expenses
The policy pays on behalf the essential cover in the event of a Cyber Attack for IT Forensic Investigation, Privacy Response and Data Restoration Costs.

Worldwide Coverage
The policy can be extended to cover the countries your business operates in.

Regulatory Penalties
The policy covers regulatory penalties payable by you in any country to the extent insurable by law.

As each policy is unique, any cover will be subject to full policy terms and conditions. The above is offered as guidance only.

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